Price Transparency
Cost of Care and Price Transparency

Welcome to the UCLA Health price transparency site.
We have created five searchable tools to allow patients to look up anticipated charges for health care services. While it is impossible to know ahead of time which services will be needed to address each patient’s specific medical needs, these tools provide an estimate of anticipated charges.
We know health care costs, billing and insurance can be confusing, and we strive to address patient questions with clarity and compassion.
In all cases except where noted, this does not include the prices for physician services – this is for hospital services only.
1. Patient Estimates
This tool provides cost estimates for 400+ common services provided at UCLA Health.
If you are an existing UCLA patient, you can access the Patient Estimates tool via your myUCLAhealth account at
If you are not currently a UCLA patient, you can access the Patient Estimates tool by clicking here.
2. Charge Description Master
Licensed hospitals are required to make a written or electronic copy of its chargemaster available at the hospital's location or on its website.
Download UCLA Medical Center's charge description masters (CDM)
The hospital charges on our CDM are listed by item and are subject to change. Patients are encouraged to contact [email protected] to obtain estimates using the most current information.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Why is this information posted here?
UCLA Health is committed to making this information available so that consumers can make informed health care decisions. The federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has encouraged hospitals to create a consumer-friendly communications of charges to help patients understand their financial responsibilities.
What is the charge master?
Also known as the charge list, this includes the billed amounts for all medical and surgical services – in effect, the retail price. A specific hospitalization or outpatient visit bill will be a combination of many of these individual charges.
What services are included in the charge master?
These retail prices incorporate room and board (for inpatients), supplies, nursing care, equipment use, nutritional services and any services performed by non-physician hospital staff.
What services are excluded from the charge master and other price transparency tools?
Physician services related to your hospital stay or visit are not included; they are billed separately. For example, doctors may not be directly employed by a hospital, even if they work in a hospital. Therefore, you’ll receive a separate bill from any doctors who treated you during your stay. This may include radiologists, anesthesiologists, pathologists and others.
How does this affect my health insurance?
Insurance companies reimburse health care providers based on their individual contracts with providers. Each individual patient’s financial responsibility varies based on the type and degree of insurance coverage. We encourage patients to consult with their insurers for specific questions about their coverage.
What if a service I need is not listed on the website?
Please contact our Centralized Cash Pricing Unit via email at [email protected]. We will be happy to provide you with a pricing estimate within one business day. If your request is urgent, please call 424-259-8010 to speak with a representative.
If I need pricing guidance, what information do I need to have available?
Please be prepared to provide the following when seeking a price quote:
- Physician referral, including a description of needed services
- Name of UCLA physician
- If insured, please have your insurance card available
Can I get an exact pricing estimate?
We will do our best to provide you with a pricing range based on groups of services historically used to treat individual conditions. However, estimated prices are not guaranteed. This is because actual treatment received may differ from services used to compile the estimated pricing range. For example, your physician may order additional tests or services to address unforeseen medical complications or clinical needs.
What if I don't have insurance?
For patient payments owed to UCLA Health, UCLA Health offers interest-free payment plans and subsidizes care for qualified patients.